Spring’s Heating Up So Cool Down With Zing Toys’ Wet Head!


Not too long ago I had the pleasure of being invited to TTPM’s (Toys, Tots, Pets & More) 2016 Spring Showcase at which dozens of brands exhibited their favorite toys coming out this spring and summer. A bonus was that Sienna was allowed to come with me, so she was able to play with all of these cool toys while I watched her in action. I have to admit there were a lot of products I loved, but at the top of the list was a simple game called Wet Head. As I watched people try the game out, I wondered why it took so long for someone to produce it because it’s quite simply ingenious fun that landed on TTPM’s “Most Wanted Outdoor Toys” list. Here’s how it works:

You plug red plastic rods into the holes on a blue container that sits atop a yellow helmet. You then fill the container with water, strap the helmet to your head, hit a spinner and follow its rules. Now, why is this ingenious? Because after each turn you need to pass the helmet to another player and one of those rods you pull out will release the water getting you nice and wet! It’s Russian roulette with water!

So I watched people, both adults and children try the game at TTPM and you could see their faces scrunch up from the suspense – is this the rod? Oh no, the spinner says I have to pull out two rods! And I figured I’d like to test this out with Sienna and my family so I asked Zing if they could send me the game so I could try it out the next time Sienna and her cousins met up, and they were happy to do so.

We went outside and I explained the rules to the kids ranging in age from 4 to 12. Fill the container, flick the spinner, do what it says and pray and they positively LOVED it! Each time one of them would spin, the helmet wearer would close his/her eyes and bunch his/her face. As more rods disappeared, the tension would increase as would the giggling and cheers from those lucky ones not wearing the helmet.

Here’s a quick video. Just listen to the laughter and excitement!

Once the game ended, Sienna and her cousins couldn’t wait to refill and play again! They ran into the house, filled up the container and immediately started betting on who’d get wet!


You can play with the spinner, ask each other trivia questions, or design your own wet head challenge game! You can even use different liquids (shh…kids…I didn’t say that…no! not the fruit punch!). The game’s designed for 2 or more players so it’s perfect for a family, group of friends or a party. There’s even a #wetheadchallenge where you can post videos and play against others online so long as you’re each wearing a helmet.

Sienna’s cousins loved it so much that I gave them the game since the 4 of them live close by while we live an hour and a half away, so I’ll to pick up another one just for us.






And though I wish I could, I can’t finish this review without showing you a video of me picking the wrong rod:

Wet Head – brilliant in its simplicity and fun for the whole family! Run out and pick up yours today!

(Disclaimer – Thanks to Zing which sent me a free game to review for this post. My views and opinions are my own.)

One thought on “Spring’s Heating Up So Cool Down With Zing Toys’ Wet Head!

  1. Permalink  ⋅ Reply


    July 18, 2016 at 4:52am

    That’s a crearckjack answer to an interesting question

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