2 thoughts on “Hi. My Name is Lorne & I’m a Stay-at-Home Dad, NOT “Mr. Mom”

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    June 20, 2013 at 6:54am

    Thought about the movie too when you mentioned that someone called you Mr. Mom. I have to say that not all fathers act like fathers. I know plenty that leave it all to the moms. They want to know exactly when the moms are returning so they can give the kids back. Though my husband regrets it now, he never changed a diaper or bathed our kid. Stay-at-home moms get plenty of grief and even disrespect at times. I’ve experienced this many times, and my intelligence and education questioned because I didn’t have a “real” job. Choosing/deciding to be the stay-at-home parent is a real job and a labor of love. That you are doing this and dealing with depression takes courage, love for your family and the will to keep going even when you’re exhausted in every way. Don’t let other people’s ignorance rob you of your progress and triumphs! And when you’re down, remember that many loving thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.

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    Lorne Jaffe

    June 21, 2013 at 2:28pm

    Thanks. Def agree that there’s a stigma for anyone staying home to watch their kids (though worse for men than women). I think it stems from our insanely work-oriented society and its skewed priorities (work/money 1st, family 2nd). Thanks so much for the compliments and support

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